See What Taylors Lazy Sunday Coffee Beans 1kg Tricks The Celebs Are Using > 자유게시판

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See What Taylors Lazy Sunday Coffee Beans 1kg Tricks The Celebs Are Us…

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작성자 Elisha
댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-07-03 20:04


Taylors Lazy Sunday Coffee Beans 1kg

A light roast with milk chocolate influences and gentle citrus for a soft, easy going flavor, perfect for weekend relaxation.

planet-java-medio-smooth-full-medium-roast-coffee-beans-1-x-1kg-bag-roasted-in-small-batches-in-the-uk-espresso-blend-for-all-coffee-machines-180.jpgA tip: Prior to you add your grounds, heat the press with a little of the boiling water, because when the coffee comes into contact with hot water too rapidly, it may over extract and cause undesirable elements in your cup.

Product Description

Taylors Lazy Sunday coffee beans are slow-roasted to create the aromas of creamy milk chocolate and a delicate citrus for a soft easy-going personality. This mellow roast is perfect to soothe your mind and muscles, whether you're calming down during a hectic weekday, or winding up at the weekend.

2 bags of 1kg arabica coffee beans of this delicious brew. Suitable for espresso or filter. Taylors is a British business. Fairtrade certified. Vegans and vegetarians can use this product.


Lazy Sunday is an easy roast that is easy on the palate. It mellows, and turns into warm to your senses. The cocoa bean from Latin America is used to smooth the brew while Africa provides citrus notes to balance. The result is a delicious coffee that is delicious by itself or with cakes, milk chocolate or other sweets. It also goes well with lemon drizzle cakes or simple vanilla sponges well.

When brewing this coffee beans uk 1kg, we recommend using the French Press method, preheating your vessel using some of the boiling water to keep it warm and ready to brew. Once brewed leave to steep for four minutes, this will ensure that the grounds are fully saturated and not over extracted. The water should be pushed through by the plunger. Don't stir or stir the coffee, as this could result in unpleasant odors appearing in your cup.

Strength - 3, soft and easy going, great for weekend relaxing.


Lazy Sunday is an aromatic light roast that has an uplifting citrus and cocoa aroma. It has a soft, caressing mouthfeel. The cocoa hints can be traced to the winter days sitting on the sofa reading a good book with the warmth of a hug from the family. To brew your coffee, first heat up your French Press with off boil water. This will stop the coffee from being too extracted and creating undesirable elements in your drink. Add your grounds along with 250ml of water that just boiled. Steep for 4 minutes before letting it plunge and then enjoy.


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